I’d like to share my newest soap bar made especially for Christmas with you. I wanted to make something really special to celebrate Christmas this year, so I decided to go though my essential oil box to see if something inspired me, as I had no idea what I wanted to make.
I came upon my prized Sandalwood Essential oil, not Australian or Indian Sandalwood mind, but Mysore Agmarked Sandalwood oil. Don’t ask me what was I thinking when I bought this oil, it’s so expensive, but I’d heard how wonderful Sandalwood smelt and in a moment of utter madness, I thought I’d buy some to try. So there it was, sadly sitting in my Essential oil cupboard, unused, because, well it was just too expensive for me to use, wasn’t it?
Then I thought, well how silly is that really? Am I just going to let it sit there until it goes out of date? I did want something truly special and surely this would fit the bill perfectly, so off I went to make this very exceptional bar of soap. I decided to add some Myrrh and Frankincense as well, as these were the essential oils given to Jesus on his birth, with a touch of vanilla and a bit of lavender, to finish it off and make the Sandalwood stretch a bit more.
The day after making it and when it came to unveiling this (hopefully) masterpiece LOL, I was too scared to even look in case it didn’t turn out, or worse still, looked just plain awful. When I cut it, I was thrilled with how it looked, it was just as I’d hoped it would turn out, a fitting tribute to celebrate Christmas.
BUT, something was missing; it just didn’t seem quite complete. It was then I had another moment of madness, I thought I might as well go the whole way and top it off with something very special and totally natural, gold, yep that would do it, I wanted real gold. I didn’t want mica or glitter, I couldn’t bring myself to put glitter over this special Christmas soap, it had to have the best.
So I tracked down some real, 24 karat, edible gold to decorate the top and there you have it, one VERY expensive, but hopefully special soap. I hope these moments of madness don’t come too often, just can’t afford it:)